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Mouthwash with cetylpyridinium chloride could 'kill' the virus that causes Covid

Jun 04, 2023

If you’re relying on toothpaste when it comes to dental hygiene, you might want to switch things up. According to new research, mouthwash could be added to your arsenal of protection against Covid. With coronavirus cases on the rise again, the liquid could kill the virus as long as you reach for the right one.

If mouthwash is one of the key steps in your oral hygiene routine, you may be onto something.

Even a new study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, makes a compelling case for adding this dental product to your regimen this winter.

The research found that mouthwashes could suppress the virus that causes Covid within minutes after use.

However, the type you use is key as only certain brands offer the potent ingredient capable of this.

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Coronavirus, or Covid, is triggered by a virus called SARS-CoV-2 that doesn't only target your respiratory tract but also the cells in the lining of your mouth.

This is where mouthwash steps in with its "antiviral effect" on the Covid virus.

The research team at Hokkaido University found that low concentrations of the chemical cetylpyridinium chloride, which is a component of some mouthwashes, offer these benefits.

As cetylpyridinium chloride is key when it comes to the protective effect, mouthwashes without this ingredient might not offer the same protection.

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What's more, the goodie also known as CPC has been shown to reduce the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in the mouth.

While there are other chemicals that offer similar effects, CPC has the advantage of being tasteless and odourless.

The research team put this to the test when looking at Japanese mouthwashes.

They tested the effects of CPC on cell cultures that express a protein, which is required for the Covid virus to enter into the cell.

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Within 10 minutes of use, CPC was able to inhibit the infectivity and capability for cell entry of the virus.

Furthermore, the researchers noticed that commercially available mouthwashes that contain CPC performed even better than the compound on its own.

Another piece of good news is that human saliva doesn't seem to alter the effects of CPC.

Most significantly, the research team also considered different Covid variants - alpha, beta and gamma - showing that the effects remain similar across all strains.

With the evidence that mouthwash can suppress the infectivity of these four variants, the study authors are already looking at how it could help people who already have the virus.

Plus, you don't have to take only the word of this study for how mouthwash could offer protection against the virus.

Researchers from Cardiff University have found that the dental product can even "kill" the virus in saliva, with 99.8 percent effectiveness.

Looking at 27 hospital patients, the research team compared four different types of mouthwash.

Similarly to the new research, the most potent types contain cetylpyridinium chloride.

This study found that a single 30 second rinse was able to eliminate the virus.

Three of the seven patients also had no traces of the live virus in their saliva after the first rinse.

While the research suggests that mouthwash might offer protection, there is no evidence that it could be used as a treatment for ongoing illness, as it will not reach the respiratory tract or the lungs.

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