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FCSO sergeant completes School of Law Enforcement Supervision

May 09, 2023

Faulkner County Sheriff's Office (FCSO) Sgt. Landon Rappold has successfully completed the School of Law Enforcement Supervision (SLES), FCSO spokesman Sherry Skaggs told the Log Cabin Democrat.

"We congratulate Sgt. Rappold on his successful completion of this incredible training opportunity," Skaggs said. "We are extremely blessed to have him as a member of our team."

Rappold, the FCSO Training Commander, is the first individual from the office to be selected for the SLES program. As part of the program, Rappold worked on leadership and management skills.

"Exceptional speakers and those recognized as experts in their profession provide instruction and facilitate group activities, and specific program objectives are carefully selected and continually evaluated to ensure the program information is relevant," Skaggs said.

As part of the program, Rappold finished written examinations at the conclusion of every week of the month-long program. He also completed reading assignments and prepared a research paper.

Rappold has been featured in the Log Cabin Democrat on several different occasions through his work training new FCSO recruits. Most recently, Rappold was part of the FCSO team that won the fire truck pull at the 2023 Toad Suck Daze Festival.

SLES is offered by the University of Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute. A 140-hour training program, officers selected for it finish four weeks of training spread out over a four month period. Fifty-one total law enforcement professionals completed this year's training.

Staff Writer Kolton Rutherford can be reached at krutherford@the

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